Think about it before you think its OK to text and drive. Those 10seconds are definitely not worth it. Texting can wait. The average weight of a car in 2022 was 4,094 pounds, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In every case, you have a vehicle weighing in excess of 1 metric ton moving at …
Author: admin
Why do HOW-AM-I-DRIVING programs work?
How Am I Driving programs work because of human psychology. There are studies showing that drivers tend to improve their driving habits when they feel observed. This phenomenon aligns with the psychological principle known as the Hawthorne effect, where individuals modify their behavior when they know they’re being monitored. The Psychology Behind “How’s My Driving?” …
More than half of all road traffic deaths and injuries involve vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists and their passengers.
Road fatalities in the US at an all time record
There were 42,939 deaths as a result of road accidents in the US in 2021 – National Highway Traffic Safety Administration That number is the highest it has been in the last 16 years. Road safety is everyone’s responsibility.
A gentle reminder to all of us – Vehicles can kill
Some tips on how to avoid distractions while driving
Here is what you can do to avoid distractions while driving: Drive carefully and responsibly. Concentrate on the road, not on the conversations around you, the music that is playing, or the friend calling on your cell phone. The National Transportation Safety Board recommends that beginner drivers should be prohibited from driving between certain times, …
What is the SafeRoads Project? is a community welfare project. We created the SafeRoads Project to make roads safer for all. Road safety is every ones’ responsibility Tagline for Drivers who know they will receive feedback on how they drive are more likely to drive safely. This ability to give feedback ends up making our roads safer. SafeRoads …
Distracted driving is risky business. Know how your drivers drive on the road
Distracted driving is a very risky business. The road demands full attention from every driver. As business owners, we want our employees driving safely when on company business. As part of our family, we want our kids, spouses, baby sitters, and family members to be safe when on the road. How do you know that …