Here is what you can do to avoid distractions while driving: Drive carefully and responsibly. Concentrate on the road, not on the conversations around you, the music that is playing, or the friend calling on your cell phone. The National Transportation Safety Board recommends that beginner drivers should be prohibited from driving between certain times, …
Tag: report hazards
What is the SafeRoads Project? is a community welfare project. We created the SafeRoads Project to make roads safer for all. Road safety is every ones’ responsibility Tagline for Drivers who know they will receive feedback on how they drive are more likely to drive safely. This ability to give feedback ends up making our roads safer. SafeRoads …
Distracted driving is risky business. Know how your drivers drive on the road
Distracted driving is a very risky business. The road demands full attention from every driver. As business owners, we want our employees driving safely when on company business. As part of our family, we want our kids, spouses, baby sitters, and family members to be safe when on the road. How do you know that …
Why use a “how am I driving” decal?
Do HOW AM I DRIVING decals work? The HOW AM I DRIVING decal is a very effective tool that has been used by businesses and parents / guardians of teenage drivers to influence better driving behavior. The concept is simple – the decal on the vehicle solicits feedback from other drivers on the road. The …
Why use is a social initiative spawned out of the global need to make roads safer for all. Traffic accidents kill over a million people worldwide. A large part of these accidents can be avoided. In many parts of the world, while they have quite a lot of cars, there is very little in terms of …
How do I report a drunk driver?
In the hands of impaired, careless, reckless and angry drivers, a vehicle becomes a dangerous instrument. Unfortunately, too many drivers mix alcohol or other impairing substances with the power of a vehicle. When you observe bad driving, you must do your part by anonymously reporting such incidents. Drunk driving, distracted driving or other forms of …
Spotted a bad driver – report them
How often have you come across an aggressive and unsafe driver on the road? This has happened to almost all of us more than once. Yet, there is very little we have been able to do something about such people. Each of us have different reactions to such drivers…. Some might want to simply curse …
How am I Driving? – know it for free
Most of us think of ourselves as very good drivers. But that may not be necessarily what others sharing the road may think of us. The “How am I driving” car bumper sticker has for long been a tool used by businesses to manage their fleets to get feedback on how their drivers are driving …