
How to keep your teen drivers safe on the road1 min read



Register on –  Put one  of our “how am I driving?” stickers on your teens car so you and your teen can receive direct feedback about their road safety and driving practices.

Teen drivers between the ages of 16 and 19 have the highest motor vehicle crash and violation rates out of any other age group. According to the CDC, teens are more likely to have difficulty determining dangerous driving situations and are more likely to make crucial mistakes that can lead to crashes. This is likely due to their inexperience on the road. Thousands of teens are injured in car crashes each year, and it translates to six teens dying each day due to injuries from a car accident. The statistics are staggering, but many of the car accidents teens are involved in can be prevented with the right preparation and by avoiding certain risks.

Teens might not be aware of the dangers they face as new drivers. As they become more experienced, safe driving will become a habit if that habit is started and encouraged from the start. We’ve created a list of tips to keep teen drivers safe that can help give you peace of mind when they take the keys and hit the road.

  1. Drivers Ed course – always a good idea
  2. Set good driving examples as parents
  3. Obey the speed limits – According to NHSTA almost 31%
  4. Have an emergency preparedness plan – and have a clear discussion on the same
  5. Know the car’s features and adjust the seat and mirrors before driving
  6. Avoid distracted driving – no cell phones or music
  7. Drive alone – its not a party with friends
  8. Put a “How am I driving?” or “Student driver” sticker on the car
